Daisy Designs worked with 54 31 Collective back in 2021 before they launched, in fact, they were our very first client, but who are 54 31 Collective?
54 31 Collective based at Orroroo is a business you have most likely already heard of, potentially even shopped there (especially if you’re based in the Mid North of SA).
The idea behind the business started off simple, create a place where rural creators can promote and sell their work, they even made a tag line out of it; ‘where locals grow’.
Since opening their doors late 2021 the business has grown and evolved to not only showcase rural creators but to now host workshops and events through 54 31 Traders, a sister business within the Collective.
Starting off with 6 business pods and 23 rural creators, the Collective now showcases 7 business pods and 49 rural creators! This growth is a credit to the hard work of the group but what’s more impressive is that this hard work has provided so many small business owners with a platform to promote and sell their work!
Ran by a group of 5 local women who understand the struggles faced with being a small business owner in rural communities, 54 31 Collective has brought new life to the town with plenty of exciting opportunities and events.
Most recently, the group hosted a Rural Women’s day luncheon in Orroroo. With more than 300 women in attendance and incredible guest speakers who travelled far and wide to be there, the event stayed true to their roots and provided many local small business owners a platform to promote their products in new innovated ways.
A fashion show for local business owners Iris & Wool and Horrock Vale Collections and a panel session ran by Steph Trethewey from Motherland that included rural women such as Kate Ivey from DediKate fitness. Click the event image below to watch the event video.
Only 2 years in to their journey and already making a big impression, here at Daisy Designs we cannot wait to see what the future looks like for this small business. One things for sure though, 54 31 Collective sure are going places, and they’re taking as many small businesses as they can along with them!

Check out their website: https://www.5431collective.com.au
Event highlights video: https://youtu.be/nGTWBhdv6Kk?feature=shared